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Our Products

  • SynergEyes iD Hybrid Lenses

    SynergEyes iD Hybrid Lenses

    Individually designed for premium performance
    Provides premium performance to both doctors and patients.
    Personalized lenses made specifically for each patient by providing Ks,HVID and Rx
  • Specialty Hybrid Lenses

    Specialty Hybrid Lenses

    Transform your Astigmatic Vision
    See up close...Far away...And in between
    The Most Advanced Hybrid Lens for Keratoconus
  • Other Hybrid Lenses

    Other Hybrid Lenses

    A family of hybrid contact lenses for normal and irregular corneas patients
    For the treatment of keratoconus and other corneal irregularities
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Certification & Training

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Tips from Practitioners

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testimonial1 I can se close up and far away with clarity now. I also do not have to wear readers!!!!
Seri B., SynergEyes iD Wearer
How SynergEyes has Made a Difference in My Practice
testimonial3 Because of the individualized fiting of this lens based on the patient's corneal curvature and diameter, we're able to achieve fits that maintain movement and comfort. The new linear skirt of the SynergEyes iD lens doesn't tighten up on the eyes as even the best hybrid lenses can, making it easier to remove and more comfortable for your patients.
Barry Eiden OD, FAAO, FSLS

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